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Translated References into English
- Arendt, Hannah (2019). Violence, translated by Ezzatollah Fooladvand, Tehran, Kharazmi Publication. [In Persian]
- Arendt, Hannah (2022). Totalitarianism, translated by Mohsen Salehi, Tehran, sales Publication. [In Persian]
- Arendt, Hannah (2022). The Human Condition, translated by Masoud Aliya, Tehran, Ghoghnoos Publication. [In Persian]
- Arendt, Hannah (2018). On Revolution, translated by Ezzatollah Fooladvand, Tehran, Kharazmi Publication. [In Persian]
- Arendt, Hannah (2022). The Hungarian Revolution, translated by Keyumars Khajouei, Agah Publication. [In Persian]
- Arendt, Hannah (2020). Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, translated by Zahra Shams, Tehran, Borj Publication. [In Persian]
- Arendt, Hannah (2020). The Life of the Mind: Thinking, translated by Masoud Aliya, Tehran, Ghoghnoos Publication. [In Persian]
- Arendt, Hannah (N/A). Men in Dark Times, translated by Mehdi Khalaji. [In Persian]
- Arendt, Hannah (2017). Crises of the Republic, translated by Amin Askari-Zadeh, Tehran, Gam-e no Publication. [In Persian]
- Arendt, Hannah (2013). Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought, translated by Saeed Moghadam, Tehran, Akhtaran Publication. [In Persian]
- Ansari, Mansour (1997). Hannah Arendt and the Critique of Political Philosophy, Tehran, Markaz Publication. [In Persian]
- Bird, Lee (2002). Political Philosophy of Hannah Arendt, translated by Khashayar Deyhimi, Tehran, Tarh-e Now Publication. [In Persian]
- Pedram, Masoud (2010). Public Sphere: Another Narrative of Politics, Theories of Arendt and Habermas, Tehran, Yadavaran Publication. [In Persian]
- Teichman, Jenny (2000). European Philosophy in the Modern Era, translated by Mohammad Saeed Hanaii Kashani, Tehran, Markaz Publication. [In Persian]
- Jahanbegloo, Ramin (1979). Hannah Arendt and Modern Politics, Bukhara, No. 58, pp. 155-166. [In Persian]
- Hansen, Philip (2006). Politics, History, and Civilization from Arendt's Perspective, translated by Farzaneh Ghojlu, Bukhara, No. 58, pp. 137-154. [In Persian]
- Imam Jom’e Zadeh, Seyed Javad, and Tadayyon Rad, Ali (2011). Examination of "Political Action" in the Thoughts of Aristotle and Hannah Arendt and Critique of the Position of This Concept in the Present Age, Political Studies, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 1-15. [In Persian]
- Younesi, Mostafa, and Tadayyon Rad, Ali (2009). Politics and Existentialism: A Study of Hannah Arendt's Approach to the Concept of "Action," Theoretical Political Research, No. 6. [In Persian]