
An Activity Theory Perspective on the Role of Cooperative Assessment in the Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners

دوره 8، شماره 1، شهریور 2019، صفحه 129-163
Mina Bolghari؛ Parviz Birjandi؛ Parviz Maftoon


Development and Validation of an English Language Teacher Professional Identity Scale (ELTPIS)

دوره 10، شماره 1، شهریور 2021، صفحه 201-237
Mahsa Mahmoodarabi؛ Parviz Maftoon؛ Masood Siyyari


EFL Learners’ Deployment of Motivational Self-Regulatory Strategies and their Academic Achievement

دوره 5، شماره 1، شهریور 2016، صفحه 50-25
Saeed Safdari؛ Parviz Maftoon


Learning to Become L2 Teachers: Prospective Teachers’ Professional Identity Development

دوره 11، شماره 1، شهریور 2022، صفحه 189-221
Mahsa Mahmoodarabi؛ Parviz Maftoon؛ Masood Siyyari


The Effect of System-Nested, Genre-Oriented, Structurally-Mediated Model (SGSM) of Writing Instruction, and Swalesian Model (SM) upon Iranian Learners’ Writing Performance: A Comparative Study

دوره 7، شماره 2، اسفند 2018، صفحه 29-59
Alireza Amjadiparvar؛ Parviz Maftoon؛ Massood Yazdanimoghaddam
