منابع فارسی:
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منابع انگلیسی:
- Adams, Ansel, the Negative (Little&co…).1981.
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- Balazs, Bela;Theory of the Film: Character and Growth of a New Art. Tr. By Edith Bone, London: Dennis Dobson Ltd,1952.
- Bazin, Andre: what Id Cinema: vol 11. Tr. By Hugh Gray, London: univerdity of California Press, 2005b.
- Eisenstein, Sergei, Film From, tr. By Jay Leyda, New York: Harcourt, Brace R World, Inc, 1941.
- Hegel, G. W.F. Aesthetic: Lectures on Fine Art, tr. By T.M.Konx. London: Oxford University Press,1975.
- Husserl, Edmond. Cartezian Meditations: An Interoduction to Phenomenology; tr by Dorion Cairns, the Hugue: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973.
- Kant, Immanvel; Critigve of the Power of Judgment; tr. By Poul Gvyel, Eric Matthews, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
- Kracaver, SiegfriedL Theory of film: the Redemption of physical Reality: New York Oxford University Press,1960.
- Levinas, E, Theorie de l'intution dans la Phenomenologie se Hussrel. Paris: J.Vrin, 1970.
- Munsterberg, Hugo; the photoplay: A Psychological Study, New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1916.
- Scruton, Roger: Photography and Represention in Argving about Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates: ed. By Alex Neill and Aron Ridley. Lonson: Routledge, 2007.