Abdollahzadeh, N., Obaydinia, M. (2021). "Narrative Time" and its Relationship with the Element of "Suspension" in the Novel of "the Year of the Riots" by Abbas Maroufi based on Gerard Genette's theory. , 25(90), 135-159. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2020.41532.2663
Nasraddin Abdollahzadeh; Mohammad Amir Obaydinia. ""Narrative Time" and its Relationship with the Element of "Suspension" in the Novel of "the Year of the Riots" by Abbas Maroufi based on Gerard Genette's theory". , 25, 90, 2021, 135-159. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2020.41532.2663
Abdollahzadeh, N., Obaydinia, M. (2021). '"Narrative Time" and its Relationship with the Element of "Suspension" in the Novel of "the Year of the Riots" by Abbas Maroufi based on Gerard Genette's theory', , 25(90), pp. 135-159. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2020.41532.2663
Abdollahzadeh, N., Obaydinia, M. "Narrative Time" and its Relationship with the Element of "Suspension" in the Novel of "the Year of the Riots" by Abbas Maroufi based on Gerard Genette's theory. , 2021; 25(90): 135-159. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2020.41532.2663

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