- الوانی سید مهدی، عادل آذر و حسن داناییفرد(1383)، "روششناسی پژوهش کمی در مدیریت: رویکردی جامع"، انتشارات صفار، چاپ اول، تهران.
- جعفرپور محمود، مرتضی فیاضی و محمدمهدی بهرامزاده(1387)، "بررسی عوامل کلیدی موفقیت در توسعة دانشگاههای مجازی در کشور"، مجموعه مقالات پنجمین کنفرانس بینالمللی مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات، تهران، ایران.
- جعفرپور، محمود و حسین رحمانسرشت(1388)؛" ارایة یک مدل مفهومی از خرید اینترنتی کتاب و ارزیابی آن در دانشگاههای کشور"، فصلنامه پژوهشنامه بازرگانی، شماره 52، صفحه 211-247.
- سرایی حسن، (1382)، "مقدمهای بر نمونهگیری در تحقیق، انتشارات سمت، صفحه 133، تهران.
- Allen, E. & Seaman, J.(2004), Entering the mainstream: the quality and extent of online education in the United States, Vol.27, Needham, MA: Sloan Center for Online Education.
- Al-Gahtani.Said S, Geoffrey S. Hubona & Jijie Wang(2007); Information Technology (IT) In Saudi Arabia:Culture And The Acceptance And Use Of IT; Information & Management; Vol.44,Pp 681–691.
- Alstete Jeffey.W,(2001), Alternative Uses Of Electronic Learning Systems For Enhancing Team Performance, Team Performance Management. International Journal, Volume 7, Number 3/4, Pp 48- 52.
- Chen, L., Soliman, K. S., Mao, E., & Frolick, M. N. (2000), Measuring user satisfaction with data warehouses: An exploratory study. Information and Management, 37(3), 103–110.
- CID.(2005), Center For International Development At Harvard University. Harvard: Information Technologies Groups.
- Chen R, Hsiang C.(2007), A study on the critical success factors for corporations embarking on knowledge community-based e-learning, Information Sciences, vol.177, Pp.570–586.
- Chen Y, Li L.(2006), Deriving information from CRM for knowledge management-a note on a commercial bank, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 23, No.2, Pp.141–146.
- CSPP.(2000), Computer Systems Policy Project, Lithe CSPP Readiness Guide For Living In The Networked World: A Self-Assessment Tool For Communities.
- Demirkan Haluk & Michael Goul(2010), A Reference Model for ustainable E-Learning Service Systems: Experiences with the Joint University/Teradata Consortium, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, Vol. 8, No. 1, Pp. 151-189.
- DeLone, W. H., & McLean, E. R. (2003). The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: a tenyear update. Journal of Management Information Systems, 19(4), 9–30.
- Gasco JL, Llopis J, Gonzalez MR(2004). The use of information technology in training human resources: an e-learning case study. Journal of European Industrial, Training 28(5): 370–382.
- Gable, G. G., Sedera, D., & Chan, T. (2003). Enterprise systems success: A measurement model. In Proceedings of the twenty-fourth international conference on information systems. Pp. 576–591.
- Gallagher, S. (2004), Online distance education market update: a nascent market begins to mature. Boston, MA: Eduventures, Inc. Retrieved from www.eduventures.com
- Heo, J., & Han, I. (2003). Performance measure of information systems (IS) in evolving computing environments:An empirical investigation. Information and Management, 40(4), 243–256.
- He G. (2003). On the definition and translation of elearning. Chinese Science & Technology Translators, Journal 16(2): 1–3.
- Honglei, Lai,V.S.,(2005), Technology Acceptance Model For Internet Banking: An Invariance Analysis, Information & Management,Vol42,No 2,Pp 373-386.
- Henry P.(2001). E-learning technology, content and services. Education Training 43(4): 249–255.
- ITU(2001), International Telecommunication Union ,World Telecommunication Indicators. Geneva, Switzerland: International Telecommunication Union.
- Khan, B. H. (2005). Managing E-Learning: Design, Delivery, Implementation, And Evaluation. Hershey, PA: Information Science publishing. (Website: Http://Bookstoread.Com/Elearning).
- Keegan, D., Lossenko, J., Mazar, I., Michels, P. F., Paulsen, M. F., Rekkedal, T., et al. (2007). E-learning initiatives that did not reach targeted goals. Bekkestua, Norway: MegaTrends in E-learning Provision
- Kim, K.-J. & Bonk, C. J. (2006). The future of online teaching and learning in higher education: the survey says.. ., Educause Quarterly, Vol.29, Pp.22–30.
- Lee Jong-Ki, Woong-Kyu Lee(2008), The relationship of e-Learner’s self-regulatory efficacy and perception of e-Learning environmental quality, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.24, Pp. 32–47.
- Liu, C., & Arnett, K. P. (2000). Exploring the factors associated with Web site success in the context of electronic commerce. Information and Management, 38(1), 23–33.
- Liu Yanping & Hong Wang(2009), A Comparative Study on E-learning Technologies and Products: from the East to the West, Systems Research and Behavioral Science,Vol.26, Pp. 191-209.
- Lu Hsi-Peng & Ming-Jen Chiou (2010), The impact of individual differences on e-learning system satisfaction: A contingency approach, Vol. 41, No. 2, Pp307–323.
- Li Y & Zhang Y(2003). Study on Implementation of training system based on e-learning in enterprises. China Soft Science 4: 70–74.
- Liang M, Qu L, Jin C.(2005), The outlook of e-learning in enterprises. Commercial Research 21: 367–371.
- Liu, L And Ma, Q (2004), “The Technology Acceptance Model: A Meta-Analysis Of Empirical Findings”. Journal Of Organizational And End User Computing, Vol.16, No 1, Pp 59-74.
- Mahdizadeh, Hossein & Harm Biemans, Martin Mulder(2007), “Determining Factors Of The Use Of E-Learning Environments By University Teachers”. Computers In Human Behavior.
- Marold, K. A., Larsen, G., &. (2000). Web-Based Learning: Is It Working? A Comparison Of Student Performance And Achievement In Web-Based Courses And Their In-Classroom Counterparts. In Proceedings Of The 2000 Information Resources Management Association International Conference On Challenges Of Information.
- Muylle, S., Moenaert, R., & Despontin, M. (2004). The conceptualization and empirical validation of web site user satisfaction. Information and Management, 41(5), 543–560.
- Masiello, I., Ramberg, R. & Lonka, K. P. O. (2005). Attitudes to the application of a web-basedlearning system in a microbiology course. Computers & Education, Vol.45, Pp.171–185.
- Martinez, Raquel Amaya & Maria Milans Del bosch. (2007), An dress sam Pedro Nuno “Psychopedagogical components and process in e-learning, lessons from an unsuccesful on-line course. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.23, Pp.146- 16.
- McKinney, V., Yoon, K., & Zahedi, F. M. (2002). The measurement of web-customer satisfaction: an expectation and disconfirmation approach. Information Systems Research, 13(3), 296–315.
- Njenga James Kariuki & Louis Cyril Henry Fourie(2010), The myths about e-learning in higher education, Vol. 41, No. 2, Pp. 199–212.
- Pikkarainen, Tero, Kari Karjaluoto, Heikki Seppo (2004), Consumer Acceptance Of Online Banking: An Extension Of Technology Acceptance Model , Vol.14, No 3, P 236.
- Porter, Constance Elise & Naveen Donthu(2006); Using The Technology Acceptance Model To Explain How Attitudes Determine Internet Usage: The Role Of Perceived Access Barriers And Demographics; Journal Of Business Research, Vol.59,Pp999–1007.
- Rai, A., Lang, S. S., & Welker, R. B. (2002). Assessing the validity of IS success models: an empirical test and theoretical analysis. Information Systems Research, 13(1), 50–69.
- Rosenberg JM.(2001), E-learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age. McGraw-Hill: New York.
- Song, Y. S. (2000). Cultivation course to men of talent and e-Learning strategy of digital era. Journal of Training and Development, Vol.7, P148.
- Schweizer H.(2004), E-learning in business. Journal of management education 28(6): 674–692.
- Selim HM.(2005), Critical success factors for e-learning acceptance: confirmatory factor models. Computers & Education 9(2): 396–413.
- Tzouveli. Paraskevi, Phivos Mylonas, Stefanos Kollias.(2007), An intelligent e-learning system based on learner profiling and learning resources adaptation, Computers & Education, Available online at www.sciencedirect.com
- Venkatesh, V(2000); Determinants Of Perceived Ease Of Use: Integrating Control, Intrinsic Motivations, And Emotion Into The Technology Acceptance Model. Inf Syst Res;11(4):342–65.
- Venkatesh V, Brown SA.(2001); A Longitudinal Investigation Of Personal Computers In Homes: Adoption Determinants And Emerging Challenges. MIS Q;25(1):71-102.
- Wagner, N., Hassanein, K., & Head, M. (2008). Who Is Responsible For E-Learning Success In Higher Education? A Stakeholders' Analysis. Educational Technology & Society, 11 (3), 26-36.
- Wang Yi-Shun, Hsiu-Yuan Wang, Daniel Y. Shee(2007), Measuring e-learning systems success in an organizational context: Scale development and validation, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 23, Pp.1792–1808.
- Wang, Y.-S.(2003), Assessment of learner satisfaction with asynchronous electronic learning systems. Information and Management, 41(1), 75–86.
- Wang, Y.-S., & Tang, T.-I. (2003). Assessing customer perceptions of Web sites service quality in digital marketing environments. Journal of End User Computing, 15(3), 14–31.
- Wang, Y.-S., Tang, T.-I., & Tang, J.-T. D. (2001). An instrument for measuring customer satisfaction toward web sites that market digital products and services. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2(3), 89–102.
- Wu, J.-H., Tennyson, R. D. Hsia, T.-L., & Liao, Y.-W. (2008). Analysis of Elearning innovation and core capability using a hypercube model. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 1851–1866.
- Wentling. TL, Waight C, Gallagher J, La Fleur J, Wang C, Kanfer A.(2000), E-learning - a review of literature. Knowledge and Learning Systems Group NCSA 9. 1–73.
- Zhang, D. (2002). Media Structuration-Towards An Integrated Approach To Interactive Multimedia-Based E-Learning. Ph.D. Dissertation. The University Of Aritona.
- Zhang, D., & Nunamaker, J. F. (2003). Powering E-Learning In The New Millennium: An Overview Of E-Learning And Enabling Technology. Information Systems Frontiers, 5(2), 207–218.
- Zheng M, Dai R. (2006). The design of an e-learning system framework. Journal of Guangdong Radio & TV University 15(3): 5–9.
- Zhang Y, Bhattacharyya S.(2007), Effectiveness of Qlearning as a tool for calibrating agent-based supply network models. Enterprise Information Systems 1(2): 217–233.
- الوانی سید مهدی، عادل آذر و حسن داناییفرد(1383)، "روششناسی پژوهش کمی در مدیریت: رویکردی جامع"، انتشارات صفار، چاپ اول، تهران.
- جعفرپور محمود، مرتضی فیاضی و محمدمهدی بهرامزاده(1387)، "بررسی عوامل کلیدی موفقیت در توسعة دانشگاههای مجازی در کشور"، مجموعه مقالات پنجمین کنفرانس بینالمللی مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات، تهران، ایران.
- جعفرپور، محمود و حسین رحمانسرشت(1388)؛" ارایة یک مدل مفهومی از خرید اینترنتی کتاب و ارزیابی آن در دانشگاههای کشور"، فصلنامه پژوهشنامه بازرگانی، شماره 52، صفحه 211-247.
- سرایی حسن، (1382)، "مقدمهای بر نمونهگیری در تحقیق، انتشارات سمت، صفحه 133، تهران.
- Allen, E. & Seaman, J.(2004), Entering the mainstream: the quality and extent of online education in the United States, Vol.27, Needham, MA: Sloan Center for Online Education.
- Al-Gahtani.Said S, Geoffrey S. Hubona & Jijie Wang(2007); Information Technology (IT) In Saudi Arabia:Culture And The Acceptance And Use Of IT; Information & Management; Vol.44,Pp 681–691.
- Alstete Jeffey.W,(2001), Alternative Uses Of Electronic Learning Systems For Enhancing Team Performance, Team Performance Management. International Journal, Volume 7, Number 3/4, Pp 48- 52.
- Chen, L., Soliman, K. S., Mao, E., & Frolick, M. N. (2000), Measuring user satisfaction with data warehouses: An exploratory study. Information and Management, 37(3), 103–110.
- CID.(2005), Center For International Development At Harvard University. Harvard: Information Technologies Groups.
- Chen R, Hsiang C.(2007), A study on the critical success factors for corporations embarking on knowledge community-based e-learning, Information Sciences, vol.177, Pp.570–586.
- Chen Y, Li L.(2006), Deriving information from CRM for knowledge management-a note on a commercial bank, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 23, No.2, Pp.141–146.
- CSPP.(2000), Computer Systems Policy Project, Lithe CSPP Readiness Guide For Living In The Networked World: A Self-Assessment Tool For Communities.
- Demirkan Haluk & Michael Goul(2010), A Reference Model for ustainable E-Learning Service Systems: Experiences with the Joint University/Teradata Consortium, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, Vol. 8, No. 1, Pp. 151-189.
- DeLone, W. H., & McLean, E. R. (2003). The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: a tenyear update. Journal of Management Information Systems, 19(4), 9–30.
- Gasco JL, Llopis J, Gonzalez MR(2004). The use of information technology in training human resources: an e-learning case study. Journal of European Industrial, Training 28(5): 370–382.
- Gable, G. G., Sedera, D., & Chan, T. (2003). Enterprise systems success: A measurement model. In Proceedings of the twenty-fourth international conference on information systems. Pp. 576–591.
- Gallagher, S. (2004), Online distance education market update: a nascent market begins to mature. Boston, MA: Eduventures, Inc. Retrieved from www.eduventures.com
- Heo, J., & Han, I. (2003). Performance measure of information systems (IS) in evolving computing environments:An empirical investigation. Information and Management, 40(4), 243–256.
- He G. (2003). On the definition and translation of elearning. Chinese Science & Technology Translators, Journal 16(2): 1–3.
- Honglei, Lai,V.S.,(2005), Technology Acceptance Model For Internet Banking: An Invariance Analysis, Information & Management,Vol42,No 2,Pp 373-386.
- Henry P.(2001). E-learning technology, content and services. Education Training 43(4): 249–255.
- ITU(2001), International Telecommunication Union ,World Telecommunication Indicators. Geneva, Switzerland: International Telecommunication Union.
- Khan, B. H. (2005). Managing E-Learning: Design, Delivery, Implementation, And Evaluation. Hershey, PA: Information Science publishing. (Website: Http://Bookstoread.Com/Elearning).
- Keegan, D., Lossenko, J., Mazar, I., Michels, P. F., Paulsen, M. F., Rekkedal, T., et al. (2007). E-learning initiatives that did not reach targeted goals. Bekkestua, Norway: MegaTrends in E-learning Provision
- Kim, K.-J. & Bonk, C. J. (2006). The future of online teaching and learning in higher education: the survey says.. ., Educause Quarterly, Vol.29, Pp.22–30.
- Lee Jong-Ki, Woong-Kyu Lee(2008), The relationship of e-Learner’s self-regulatory efficacy and perception of e-Learning environmental quality, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.24, Pp. 32–47.
- Liu, C., & Arnett, K. P. (2000). Exploring the factors associated with Web site success in the context of electronic commerce. Information and Management, 38(1), 23–33.
- Liu Yanping & Hong Wang(2009), A Comparative Study on E-learning Technologies and Products: from the East to the West, Systems Research and Behavioral Science,Vol.26, Pp. 191-209.
- Lu Hsi-Peng & Ming-Jen Chiou (2010), The impact of individual differences on e-learning system satisfaction: A contingency approach, Vol. 41, No. 2, Pp307–323.
- Li Y & Zhang Y(2003). Study on Implementation of training system based on e-learning in enterprises. China Soft Science 4: 70–74.
- Liang M, Qu L, Jin C.(2005), The outlook of e-learning in enterprises. Commercial Research 21: 367–371.
- Liu, L And Ma, Q (2004), “The Technology Acceptance Model: A Meta-Analysis Of Empirical Findings”. Journal Of Organizational And End User Computing, Vol.16, No 1, Pp 59-74.
- Mahdizadeh, Hossein & Harm Biemans, Martin Mulder(2007), “Determining Factors Of The Use Of E-Learning Environments By University Teachers”. Computers In Human Behavior.
- Marold, K. A., Larsen, G., &. (2000). Web-Based Learning: Is It Working? A Comparison Of Student Performance And Achievement In Web-Based Courses And Their In-Classroom Counterparts. In Proceedings Of The 2000 Information Resources Management Association International Conference On Challenges Of Information.
- Muylle, S., Moenaert, R., & Despontin, M. (2004). The conceptualization and empirical validation of web site user satisfaction. Information and Management, 41(5), 543–560.
- Masiello, I., Ramberg, R. & Lonka, K. P. O. (2005). Attitudes to the application of a web-basedlearning system in a microbiology course. Computers & Education, Vol.45, Pp.171–185.
- Martinez, Raquel Amaya & Maria Milans Del bosch. (2007), An dress sam Pedro Nuno “Psychopedagogical components and process in e-learning, lessons from an unsuccesful on-line course. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.23, Pp.146- 16.
- McKinney, V., Yoon, K., & Zahedi, F. M. (2002). The measurement of web-customer satisfaction: an expectation and disconfirmation approach. Information Systems Research, 13(3), 296–315.
- Njenga James Kariuki & Louis Cyril Henry Fourie(2010), The myths about e-learning in higher education, Vol. 41, No. 2, Pp. 199–212.
- Pikkarainen, Tero, Kari Karjaluoto, Heikki Seppo (2004), Consumer Acceptance Of Online Banking: An Extension Of Technology Acceptance Model , Vol.14, No 3, P 236.
- Porter, Constance Elise & Naveen Donthu(2006); Using The Technology Acceptance Model To Explain How Attitudes Determine Internet Usage: The Role Of Perceived Access Barriers And Demographics; Journal Of Business Research, Vol.59,Pp999–1007.
- Rai, A., Lang, S. S., & Welker, R. B. (2002). Assessing the validity of IS success models: an empirical test and theoretical analysis. Information Systems Research, 13(1), 50–69.
- Rosenberg JM.(2001), E-learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age. McGraw-Hill: New York.
- Song, Y. S. (2000). Cultivation course to men of talent and e-Learning strategy of digital era. Journal of Training and Development, Vol.7, P148.
- Schweizer H.(2004), E-learning in business. Journal of management education 28(6): 674–692.
- Selim HM.(2005), Critical success factors for e-learning acceptance: confirmatory factor models. Computers & Education 9(2): 396–413.
- Tzouveli. Paraskevi, Phivos Mylonas, Stefanos Kollias.(2007), An intelligent e-learning system based on learner profiling and learning resources adaptation, Computers & Education, Available online at www.sciencedirect.com
- Venkatesh, V(2000); Determinants Of Perceived Ease Of Use: Integrating Control, Intrinsic Motivations, And Emotion Into The Technology Acceptance Model. Inf Syst Res;11(4):342–65.
- Venkatesh V, Brown SA.(2001); A Longitudinal Investigation Of Personal Computers In Homes: Adoption Determinants And Emerging Challenges. MIS Q;25(1):71-102.
- Wagner, N., Hassanein, K., & Head, M. (2008). Who Is Responsible For E-Learning Success In Higher Education? A Stakeholders' Analysis. Educational Technology & Society, 11 (3), 26-36.
- Wang Yi-Shun, Hsiu-Yuan Wang, Daniel Y. Shee(2007), Measuring e-learning systems success in an organizational context: Scale development and validation, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 23, Pp.1792–1808.
- Wang, Y.-S.(2003), Assessment of learner satisfaction with asynchronous electronic learning systems. Information and Management, 41(1), 75–86.
- Wang, Y.-S., & Tang, T.-I. (2003). Assessing customer perceptions of Web sites service quality in digital marketing environments. Journal of End User Computing, 15(3), 14–31.
- Wang, Y.-S., Tang, T.-I., & Tang, J.-T. D. (2001). An instrument for measuring customer satisfaction toward web sites that market digital products and services. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2(3), 89–102.
- Wu, J.-H., Tennyson, R. D. Hsia, T.-L., & Liao, Y.-W. (2008). Analysis of Elearning innovation and core capability using a hypercube model. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 1851–1866.
- Wentling. TL, Waight C, Gallagher J, La Fleur J, Wang C, Kanfer A.(2000), E-learning - a review of literature. Knowledge and Learning Systems Group NCSA 9. 1–73.
- Zhang, D. (2002). Media Structuration-Towards An Integrated Approach To Interactive Multimedia-Based E-Learning. Ph.D. Dissertation. The University Of Aritona.
- Zhang, D., & Nunamaker, J. F. (2003). Powering E-Learning In The New Millennium: An Overview Of E-Learning And Enabling Technology. Information Systems Frontiers, 5(2), 207–218.
- Zheng M, Dai R. (2006). The design of an e-learning system framework. Journal of Guangdong Radio & TV University 15(3): 5–9.
- Zhang Y, Bhattacharyya S.(2007), Effectiveness of Qlearning as a tool for calibrating agent-based supply network models. Enterprise Information Systems 1(2): 217–233.