مقالهها و تقریرات
- آگاه، وحید، «امکان سنجی افاده نظام صدور مجوز آثار هنری از قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران»، تحقیقات حقوقی، شماره 77، (1395).
- آگاه، وحید، تقریرات درس بررسی تحلیلی مبانی نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران، دوره دکتری حقوق عمومی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران جنوب، (1397).
- پروین، خیرالله و سپهری فر، سیما، «حقوق اقلیتها در قانون اساسی (با تاکید بر اماکن، داراییها و حقوق اساسی)»، مطالعات حقوق بشر اسلامی، شماره 6، (1393).
- حیدرپور، احمد، «ترجیح بلامرجح و اختیار»، تحقیقات کلامی، شماره 1، (1392).
- فکوهی، ناصر، «سازوکار تبعیض مثبت بهمثابه ابزار محرومیتزدایی با نگاهی به موقعیت زنان در ایران»، زن در توسعه و سیاست، شماره 3، (1384).
- قیصری، نورالله، طاهری فدافن، دانیال و باقری فارسانی، مهدی، «مدیریت انتخابات در ایران؛ کیفیت و ارزیابی اجرا»، پژوهشهای راهبردی سیاست، شماره 13،(1394).
- گرجی ازندریانی، علیاکبر و صابری، روشنک، «تصویب اعتبارنامه نمایندگان پارلمان در کشورهای آمریکا، آلمان و ایران»، مطالعات انتخابات، شماره 5 و 6، (1392).
- ویژه، محمدرضا، «مفهوم اصل برابری در حقوق عمومی نوین»، حقوق اساسی، شماره 2، (1383)
- Bazargan, Shiva, Minority, Legal and Political Improvement (Tehran: Khorsandi, 2016).
- Hafez Nia, Mohammad Reza & Kavyani Rad, Morad, New Horizons in Political Geography (Tehran: Samt, 2004). [In Persian]
- Islamic Parliament of Iran, Details of Negotiations of Revision Council of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran, First and Third Volume (Tehran: Department General of Cultural Affairs of Public Relations of Islamic Parliament of Iran, 1985). [In Persian]
- Khosravi, Hassan, Democratic Elections Law (Tehran: Majd, 2008). [In Persian]
- Khobroye Pak, Mohammad Reza, Minorities (Tehran: Shirazeh, 2011). [In Persian]
- Rynolds, Andrew & etc., Encyclopedia of Election System, Translated by Abouzar Rafiei Ghahsareh, Second Edition (Tehran: Strategic Studies Research Center, 2012). [In Persian]
- Azizi, Sattar, Support of Minorities in International Law, Second Edition (Tehran: Shahre Danesh, 2015). [In Persian]
- Ghari Seyed Fatemi, Seyed Mohammad, Human Rights in Contemporary World, Analytical Search of Rights and Freedoms, Second volume (Tehran: Shahre Danesh, 2009). [In Persian]
- Kouhen, Carl, Democracy, Translated by Fariborz Majidi (Tehran: Kharazmi, 1994). [In Persian]
- Gorji Azandaryani, Ali Akbar, In Search of the Constitution Law, Third Edition (Tehran: Jangal Publications, 2015). [In Persian]
- Mehrpour, Hossein, A Short Review of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran (Tehran: Dadgostar, 2008). [In Persian]
- Mehrpour, Hossein, Human Rights and Its Solutions (Tehran: Ettelaat, 1997). [In Persian]
- Nourbakhsh, Morteza, Public Sociology (Tehran: Behineh, 2005). [In Persian]
- Norouzian Hamid Raze and Mohammad, Analysis of Status of Principles Governing over Free and Fair Election in Election Act of Islamic Parliament of Iran (Tehran: Majd, 2014). [In Persian]
- Vijeh Mohammad Reza, Generalities of the Constitution Law, Second Edition (Tehran: Samt 2015). [In Persian]
- Agah, Vahid, “Feasibility Study of System of Issuing License of Artistic Works in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran”, Legal Research, Issue.77 (2016). [In Persian]
- Agah, Vahid, Analytical Study of fundamentals of Islamic Republic of Iran System, Phd Degree of Public Law, Islamic Azad University, South of Tehran Branch, (2018). [In Persian]
- Parvin, Khierollah and Sepehri Far, Sima, “Law of Minoirities on the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran (By Focusing on Places, Properties and Constitution Law)”, Islamic Human Rights Studies, Issue. 6, (2014). [In Persian]
- Heydarpour Ahmad, “Distinction without a Difference”, Oral Research, Issue.1, (2013). [In Persian]
- Fokouhi, Naser, “Mechanism of Positive Discrimination as Tool for Elimination Deprivation by Look toward Status of Women in Iran”, Women in Development and Policy, Issue. 3, (2005). [In Persian]
- Gheysari, Norollah, Taheri Fadafan, Daneil and Bagheri Farsani, Mehdi, “Election Management in Iran”, Quality and Evaluation of Execution, Strategic Political Research, Issue. 13, (2015). [In Persian]
- Gorji Aznadryani, Ali Akbar & Saberi, Roshanak, “Confirmation of Credentials of Member of Parliament in USA”, Germany and Iran, Election Studies, Issue. 5, 6, (2013). [In Persian]
- Vijeh, Mohammad Reza, “Concept of Principle of Equity in Modern Public Law”, Constitution Law, Issue. 2, (2004). [In Persian]
Acts, Regulations and Documents
- Admission of 500 Applicants of Entrance to Universities and Education Institutes from Deprived Districts of Iran, 73rd Session of Council of Cultural Revolution, June 17, 1986.
- Amending Civil Status Registration Act, Jan 8, 1985.
- Amending Championship Soldier Act, Dec 23, 2013.
- Amending of Domain of Election Districts of Islamic Parliament of Iran Act, Jan 14, 2004.
- Details of Negotiations of Islamic Parliament of Iran at 35th Session, Aug 17, 1980.
- Details of Negotiations of Islamic Parliament of Iran at 568th Session, Jan 29, 1984.
- Determining Domain of Election Districts of Islamic Parliament of Iran Act, Apr 19, 1987.
- Election of Islamic Parliament of Iran Act, Nov 28, 1999.
- Establishing Facilities for Basiji Entrance of Fighters into Universities and Education Institutes Act, Feb 19, 1989.
- International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Act, July 21, 1968.
- Obligation of allocating National Code and Zip Code for all Iranian Nationals Act, May 7, 1997.
- Publishing and free access to information Act, Jan 25, 2009.
- Regulation of election Act of Islamic Parliament of Iran, Dec 12, 1999.
- Regulation of Obligation of Allocating National Code and Zip Code for all Iranian Nationals Act, Feb 20, 1999.
- Supervision of Guardian Council on Election Islamic Parliament of Iran Act, July 31, 1986.
- Supporting of Person of Disability Act, Mar 11, 2018.
- The Constitution of Iran, 1979 and Its Revision on 1989.