alaee rahmani, F., poorkavian, Z., motamad langrodi, F. (2023). The Structure of Muslim Social Relations through the Analysis of the Content of the Provincial Relationship in the Holy Quran. , 14(46), 277-308. doi: 10.22054/ajsm.2023.64973.1778
fatemeh alaee rahmani; Zeynab poorkavian; fereshteh motamad langrodi. "The Structure of Muslim Social Relations through the Analysis of the Content of the Provincial Relationship in the Holy Quran". , 14, 46, 2023, 277-308. doi: 10.22054/ajsm.2023.64973.1778
alaee rahmani, F., poorkavian, Z., motamad langrodi, F. (2023). 'The Structure of Muslim Social Relations through the Analysis of the Content of the Provincial Relationship in the Holy Quran', , 14(46), pp. 277-308. doi: 10.22054/ajsm.2023.64973.1778
alaee rahmani, F., poorkavian, Z., motamad langrodi, F. The Structure of Muslim Social Relations through the Analysis of the Content of the Provincial Relationship in the Holy Quran. , 2023; 14(46): 277-308. doi: 10.22054/ajsm.2023.64973.1778

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