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Translated References into English
Executive regulations of Law Permitting Registration of Branches or Representative Offices of Foreign Companies approved on March 31, 1998 by Board of Ministers [In Persian]
Executive regulations of revised article 107 of Direct Taxes Act approved on June 1, 2016. [In Persian]
Circular No. 18921 / 1623 / 232 dated August 20, 2016 of National Tax Administration regarding handling the tax file of branches and agencies of foreign companies in Iran. [In Persian]
The General Conditions, Structure and the Model of Upstream Oil and Gas Contracts dated August 3, 2016. [In Persian]
Shiravi, Abdol Hossein. Oil and Gas Law. Third edition, (Tehran: Mizan Publishing, 2016). [In Persian]
Law Permitting Registration of Branches or Representative Offices of Foreign Companies approved on November 12, 1997. [In Persian]
Direct Taxes Act approved on February 22, 1988 with revisions dated July 22, 2015. [In Persian]