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Translated References to English
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Akıllı, Erman (2016). Türkiye’de Devlet Kimliği ve Dış Politika. 2nd Edition. Ankara: Nobel Yay. [In Turkish]
Kafi, Majid, (2015), Historical Sociology (Basics, Theories and Concepts), Qom: University and Field Research Institute. [In Persian]
Kardaş, Tuncay, ve Erdağ, Ramazan; "Bir Dış Politika Aracı Olarak TİKA", Akademik Incelemeler Dergisi\ Cilt\ Volume: 7, Sayi: 1: 2012. . [In Turkish]
Müge Aknur, "Civil-Military Relations During the AK Party Era: Major Developments and Challenges", Insight Turkey, V:15 N:4, 2013, s.136 Sadeghian, Hassan (2021), "Initiatives to strengthen Iran's role in the Caucasus and Central Asia", National Security Monthly, No. 110- June 1400; Research Institute of Strategic Studies. [In Persian]
.. [In Turkish]
Sadeghian Hassan (2021), the process of democratization in Turkey and the obstacles to its consolidation in the government of the Justice and Development Party, Tehran, Sociologists Publications. [In Persian]Stages of Grounded Theory Production, Translator: Ebrahim Afshar, Ney Publishing, Tehran. [In Persian]
"TİKA, Azerbaycan'da 1200'den fazla projeyi hayata geçirdi", Anadolu Ajansi, 15/08/2021. [In Turkish]
"Türkiye's hard power; Why and how did it appear?" Iras website; 6/6/1400; Quoted from "New lines" think tank) [In Persian]
Ümit Cizre Sakallıoğlu (2008),“Parameters and Strategies of Islam-State Interaction in Republican Turkey,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 28, no. 2: 239. [In Turkish]
Vedat Koçal, "AK Parti'nin Siyasal Sosyolojisi", içinde Yeni Sağ, Küreselleşme ve Türkiye: Türkiye'nin AK Parti'li Yılları, Ed. Nafiz Tok; Mehmet Özel, Orion, Ankara, 2014, s.21. . [In Turkish]