1Assistant Professor, Department of English Translation Studies, Allameh Tabataba’i University
2Assistant Professor, Department of English Language, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch
The present study investigates the impact of English language hegemony on the different industries in Iranian context. A sample of eighty food, health, and beauty products was selected to examine the prevalence of English on product labels. Data were collected on label content, including legal requirements of labeling, statements, claims, and nutritional information, both in Persian and their corresponding English translations. Statistical analysis revealed that although both producers and consumers of these products were Persian speakers and there was no legal requirement to translate the labels, approximately 75 percent of the labels featured English translations. This finding suggests that translation serves as a linguistic tool that reinforces language hegemony within the industry. Despite the absence of legal mandates, English operates as a symbolic tool, potentially enhancing product appeal through its association with success and high quality. This study contributes to understanding industrial contexts by illuminating the complex interplay between language, power, and commerce. Additionally, it highlights the need for further examination of the socio-cultural implications of English language hegemony in non-Anglophone countries, offering valuable insights for policymakers, industry professionals, and scholars in translation studies and cultural studies.