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Alireza Mahmodnia, Ph.D.
Hassan Rastegarpour, Ph.D.
Farhad Jokar, M. A.
Introduction: Depression is a disorder that has attracted the attention of psychologists and therapists all over the world. This study aims to clarify and elucidate two major points: a) epidemic status of depression on various levels of high school students; and b) scrutiny of group cognitive therapy influence on the reduction of irrational beliefs and depression of the students. Method: Sample consisted of 457 students, randomlyselected based by cluster sampling method. Beck's questionnaire (short form) was used and the following results were obtained: 1) %36.97 without depression; 2) %35.23 with mild depression; 3) %20.35 with average depression; 4) % 7.44 with intensive depression. Next, 36 students with average and intensive depression were matched according to their age, grades, and major. Then 16 students were randomly selected and put into two groups of eight in experimental and control groups. Both groups were tested by pre and post test of Beck's depression and Jones's irrational beliefs questionnaire. Experimental group received 10 sessions of group treatment cognition based on Ellis method of Rational Emotive Therapy. Two significant points were determined: a) paired sample t-test pertaining to pre and post tests of both groups (differences of within groups), and b) Independent sample t-test pertaining to the difference of pre and post tests scores (difference of between groups).
Result: The data revealed that: A) Irrational beliefs had meaningful reduction [%95 confidence]; 1- Anxious over concern; 2- Frustration reaction; 3- Perfectionism. B) Irrational beliefs which had reduction but was not meaningful ; 1- Emotional irresponsibility [Approximately meaningful]; 2- Dependency; 3- Demand for approval; 4- Problem avoidance. C) Irrational beliefs which had no reduction at all [even followed by increase]; 1- High self expectation; 2- Helplessness for change; 3- Blame proneness. However, the total score of irrational beliefs test had a meaningful reduction [%95 confidence). In that sense, there had been a meaningful reduction in the depression scores of the experimental group [%95 confidence]. Discussion: The result indicates that group cognitive therapy helps the reduction of irrational beliefs as well as student's depression simultaneously.
Key words: depression, Irrational Beliefs, Cognitive Therapy, Rational-Emotive Therapy.