bahramian, A., hadianfard, H., mohamadi, N., rahimi, C. (2013). Standardization of Bender-Gestalt II in Children Aged between 4 and 11 Years in Shiraz. , 3(11), 170-195.
afroze bahramian; habib hadianfard; n mohamadi; changiz rahimi. "Standardization of Bender-Gestalt II in Children Aged between 4 and 11 Years in Shiraz". , 3, 11, 2013, 170-195.
bahramian, A., hadianfard, H., mohamadi, N., rahimi, C. (2013). 'Standardization of Bender-Gestalt II in Children Aged between 4 and 11 Years in Shiraz', , 3(11), pp. 170-195.
bahramian, A., hadianfard, H., mohamadi, N., rahimi, C. Standardization of Bender-Gestalt II in Children Aged between 4 and 11 Years in Shiraz. , 2013; 3(11): 170-195.

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