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- Zarif M. J (2017g), “US changed one elected govt in Iran— in 1953. It has tried a repeat since 79. Iranians not fooled by US game & unmoved by fake sympathy”. www.Twitter.com/jzarif
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- Zarif M. J (2017o), “Iran's security and stability depend on its own people, who — unlike the peoples of Trumps regional "bffs”—have the right to vote and to protest. These hard-earned rights will be protected, and infiltrators will not be allowed to sabotage them through violence and destruction.” www.Twitter.com/jzarif.
- Zarif M. J (2017p), “Inspired by very high level participation at extraordinary OIC summit, despite handful of telling exceptions. The entire Muslim world stands in solidarity with Palestinians and rejects Trump's gifting of what he does not own to those who have no right to it.” www.Twitter.com/jzarif.
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- Zarif M. J (2017r), “As we inch closer to end of Syrian nightmare through inclusive dialog, we must do same for Yemen. Not impose new crises by bombings, threats or resignations. There's no crisis that diplomacy can’t resolve. We proved that once. Iran aims to secure peace to exclusion of no one.” www.Twitter.com/jzarif
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- Zarif M. J (2018b), Iran offered political solutions for Syria and Yemen from the outset, and has always been ready to work for peace in the region, but with serious partners sharing the same objective and not engaged in appeasement gimmicks.” www.Twitter.com/jzarif
- Zarif M. J (2018c), “I stressed @CFR & will stress again today @UNGA that it is imperative for us in the Persian Gulf to change the prevailing zero-sum paradigm of exclusion & hostility to one of cooperation and confidence-building. I invite our neighbors & UN to support "Regional Dialogue Forum". www.Twitter.com/jzarif
- Zarif M. J (2018d), ”Just returned from fruitful visits to Senegal, Brazil, Uruguay and Namibia, accompanied by tens of Iranian CEOs. Many contracts signed; more on horizon. Iran, open to, and for, business with its many friends across the globe”. www.Twitter.com/jzarif
- Zarif M. J (2018e), ”No amount of 'alternative facts' by Trump & Co’s echo chamber, 'vision of light' spin by KSA, or credit-grabbing by the US for defeat of ISIS will change the facts that: 1. It was Iran who helped the people of Iraq & Syria defeat ISIS, and 2. It was the US and KSA who armed it”. www.Twitter.com/jzarif
- Zarif M. J (2018f), “Conferred with FM Lavrov in Moscow today; on to Brussels to engage with E3 FMs & EU High Rep Mogherini. Everyone agrees it is imperative that ALL live up to their obligations under JCPOA. IAEA has verified Iran's full compliance, but continuation will depend on full US compliance” www.Twitter.com/jzarif