نجار زاده، محمد، جعفری، نرگس و رجبی نگار (1396)، رابطهی ساختاری ارزش درک شده و رضایت گردشگر با رفتار مسئولانه زیست محیطی: نقش میانجی مشارکت گردشگری، فصلنامه مطالعات مدیریت گردشگری، سال دوازدهم، شماره 37، 115-151
Alén, E., Losada, N., & de Carlos, P. (2017). "Profiling the segments of senior tourists throughout motivation and travel characteristics". Current Issues in Tourism, 20(14), 1454-1469.
Alén, E., Nicolau, J. L., Losada, N., & Domínguez, T. (2014)." Determinant factors of senior tourists’ length of stay". Annals of Tourism Research, 49, 19-32.
Ali, F., Kim, W. G., & Ryu, K. (2016). The effect of physical environment on passenger delight and satisfaction: Moderating effect of national identity. Tourism Management, 57, 213-224.
Ali, F., Kim, W. G., Li, J., & Jeon, H. M. (2016). Make it delightful: Customers' experience, satisfaction and loyalty in Malaysian theme parks. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management.
Bakker, A.B. ; Van der zee, K. I.; Levig , K. A. & Dollard, M. F. (2006), “The Relationship between the big five personality factors and burnout: a study among volunteer counsellors”, The Journal of Social Psychology,146(1), 31–50.
Başarangil, İ. (2016). The relationships between the factors affecting perceived service quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions among theme park visitors. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1467358416664566
Bloom, Jonathan Z. (2005). "Market Segmentation: A Neural Network Application." Annals of Tourism Research. 32(1), 93–111.
Chen, C. F. (2008). Investigating structural relationships between service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions for air passengers: Evidence from Taiwan. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42(4), 709-717.
Chen, C. F., & Chen, F. S. (2010). Experience quality, perceived value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions for heritage tourists. Tourism management, 31(1), 29-35.
Chen, S. C., & Shoemaker, S. (2014). "Age and cohort effects: The American senior tourism market". Annals of Tourism Research, 48, 58-75.
Clarke, V., & Braun, V. (2014). "Thematic analysis". Encyclopedia of critical psychology (pp. 1947-1952). Springer New York.
Cole, S. T., & Scott, D. (2004). Examining the mediating role of experience quality in a model of tourist experiences. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 16(1), 79-90.
Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) professional manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment.
Eusébio, C., Carneiro, M. J., Kastenholz, E., & Alvelos, H. (2017). "Social tourism programmes for the senior market: a benefit segmentation analysis". Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 15(1), 59-79.
Finn, A. (2005). Reassessing the foundations of customer delight. Journal of Service Research, 8(2), 103-116.
Guido, G., Capestro, M., & Peluso, A. M. (2007). Experimental analysis of consumer stimulation and motivational states in shopping experiences. International Journal of Market Research, 49(3), 365-386.
Hallak, R., Assaker, G., & El-Haddad, R. (2017). Re-examining the relationships among perceived quality, value, satisfaction, and destination loyalty: A higher-order structural model. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 1356766717690572.
He, W., Goodkind, D., & Kowal, P. R. (2016). An aging world: 2015. United States Census Bureau.
Jin, N. P., Lee, S., & Lee, H. (2015). The effect of experience quality on perceived value, satisfaction, image and behavioral intention of water park patrons: New versus repeat visitors. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(1), 82-95.
Johann, M., Johann, M., Padma, P., & Padma, P. (2016)." Benchmarking holiday experience: the case of senior tourists". Benchmarking: An International Journal, 23(7), 1860-1875.
Kao, Y. F., Huang, L. S., & Wu, C. H. (2008). Effects of theatrical elements on experiential quality and loyalty intentions for theme parks. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 13(2), 163-174.
Kim, M. J., Lee, C. K., & Bonn, M. (2016). "The effect of social capital and altruism on seniors' revisit intention to social network sites for tourism-related purposes". Tourism Management, 53, 96-107.
Kolb, B. (2017). Tourism Marketing for Cities and Towns: Using Social Media and Branding to Attract Tourists. Taylor & Francis.
Le Serre, D. & Chevalier, C.. (2012). "Marketing travel services to senior consumers". Journal of Consumer Marketing. 29 (4). 262 – 270.
Martin, L.G. and Preston, S.H. (1994) Demography of Aging. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Matzler, K., Bidmon, S., & Grabner-Kräuter, S. (2006). Individual determinants of brand affect: the role of the personality traits of extraversion and openness to experience. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 15(7), 427-434.
Ngai, E.W.T.; Xiu, Li; Chau, D.C.k. (2009). "Application of data mining techniques in customer relationship management: A literature review and classification", Expert systems with applications, 36, 2592-2602.
Oliver, R. L. (1980). A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of marketing research, 460-469.
Otto, J. E., & Ritchie, J. B. (1996). The service experience in tourism. Tourism management, 17(3), 165-174.
Petrick, J. F., & Backman, S. J. (2002). An examination of the construct of perceived value for the prediction of golf travelers’ intentions to revisit. Journal of Travel Research, 41(1), 38-45.
Rumelhart, D. E., Hinton, G. E., & McClelland, J. L. (1986). "A general framework for parallel distributed processing". Parallel distributed processing: Explorations in the microstructure of cognition, 1, 45-76.
Ryu, K. and Han, H. (2010), “Influence of the quality of food, service, and physical environment on customer satisfaction in quick-casual restaurants: moderating role of perceived price”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 34 ( 3), 310-29.
Ward, A. (2014). "Segmenting the senior tourism market in Ireland based on travel motivations". Journal of Vacation Marketing, 20(3), 267-277.
Woo, E., Kim, H., & Uysal, M. (2016). "A measure of quality of life in elderly tourists". Applied Research in Quality of life, 11(1), 65-82.
World Tourism Organization (2000)," Major trends in travel and tourism demand", Tourism Marketing Strategy 2000- 2005, Tourisme Que´bec, Que´bec.
Wu, H. C., Li, T., & Li, M. Y. (2016). A study of behavioral intentions, patient satisfaction, perceived value, patient trust and experiential quality for medical tourists. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 17(2), 114-150.
You, X. and O’Leary, J.T. (1999). "Destination behaviour of older UK travellers". Tourism Recreation Research. 24 (1), 23–34.
Zimmer, Z., Brayley, R.E. and Searle, M. (1995) "Whether to go and where to go: identification of important influences on senior’s decisions to travel". Journal of Travel Research .33, 3–10.نجار زاده، محمد، جعفری، نرگس و رجبی نگار (1396)،رابطهی ساختاری ارزش درک شده و رضایت گردشگر با رفتار مسئولانه زیست محیطی: نقش میانجی مشارکت گردشگری،فصلنامهمطالعاتمدیریتگردشگری،سالدوازدهم،شماره37، 115-151
Alén, E., Losada, N., & de Carlos, P. (2017). "Profiling the segments of senior tourists throughout motivation and travel characteristics". Current Issues in Tourism, 20(14), 1454-1469.
Alén, E., Nicolau, J. L., Losada, N., & Domínguez, T. (2014)." Determinant factors of senior tourists’ length of stay". Annals of Tourism Research, 49, 19-32.
Ali, F., Kim, W. G., & Ryu, K. (2016). The effect of physical environment on passenger delight and satisfaction: Moderating effect of national identity. Tourism Management, 57, 213-224.
Ali, F., Kim, W. G., Li, J., & Jeon, H. M. (2016). Make it delightful: Customers' experience, satisfaction and loyalty in Malaysian theme parks. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management.
Bakker, A.B.; Van der zee, K. I.; Levig, K. A. & Dollard, M. F. (2006),“The Relationship between the big five personality factors and burnout:a study among volunteer counsellors”, The Journal of Social Psychology,146(1), 31–50.
Başarangil, İ. (2016). The relationships between the factors affecting perceived service quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions among theme park visitors. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1467358416664566
Bloom, Jonathan Z. (2005). "Market Segmentation: A Neural Network Application." Annals of Tourism Research. 32(1), 93–111.
Chen, C. F. (2008). Investigating structural relationships between service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions for air passengers: Evidence from Taiwan. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42(4), 709-717.
Chen, C. F., & Chen, F. S. (2010). Experience quality, perceived value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions for heritage tourists. Tourism management, 31(1), 29-35.
Chen, S. C., & Shoemaker, S. (2014). "Age and cohort effects: The American senior tourism market". Annals of Tourism Research, 48, 58-75.
Clarke, V., & Braun, V. (2014). "Thematic analysis". Encyclopedia of critical psychology (pp. 1947-1952). Springer New York.
Cole, S. T., & Scott, D. (2004). Examining the mediating role of experience quality in a model of tourist experiences. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 16(1), 79-90.
Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) professional manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment.
Eusébio, C., Carneiro, M. J., Kastenholz, E., & Alvelos, H. (2017). "Social tourism programmes for the senior market: a benefit segmentation analysis". Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 15(1), 59-79.
Finn, A. (2005). Reassessing the foundations of customer delight. Journal of Service Research, 8(2), 103-116.
Guido, G., Capestro, M., & Peluso, A. M. (2007). Experimental analysis of consumer stimulation and motivational states in shopping experiences. International Journal of Market Research, 49(3), 365-386.
Hallak, R., Assaker, G., & El-Haddad, R. (2017). Re-examining the relationships among perceived quality, value, satisfaction, and destination loyalty: A higher-order structural model. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 1356766717690572.
He, W., Goodkind, D., & Kowal, P. R. (2016). An aging world: 2015. United States Census Bureau.
Jin, N. P., Lee, S., & Lee, H. (2015). The effect of experience quality on perceived value, satisfaction, image and behavioral intention of water park patrons: New versus repeat visitors. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(1), 82-95.
Johann, M., Johann, M., Padma, P., & Padma, P. (2016)." Benchmarking holiday experience: the case of senior tourists". Benchmarking: An International Journal, 23(7), 1860-1875.
Kao, Y. F., Huang, L. S., & Wu, C. H. (2008). Effects of theatrical elements on experiential quality and loyalty intentions for theme parks. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 13(2), 163-174.
Kim, M. J., Lee, C. K., & Bonn, M. (2016). "The effect of social capital and altruism on seniors' revisit intention to social network sites for tourism-related purposes". Tourism Management, 53, 96-107.
Kolb, B. (2017). Tourism Marketing for Cities and Towns: Using Social Media and Branding to Attract Tourists. Taylor & Francis.
Le Serre, D. & Chevalier, C.. (2012). "Marketing travel services to senior consumers". Journal of Consumer Marketing. 29 (4). 262 – 270.
Martin, L.G. and Preston, S.H. (1994) Demography of Aging. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Matzler, K., Bidmon, S., & Grabner-Kräuter, S. (2006). Individual determinants of brand affect: the role of the personality traits of extraversion and openness to experience. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 15(7), 427-434.
Ngai, E.W.T.; Xiu, Li; Chau, D.C.k. (2009). "Application of data mining techniques in customer relationship management: A literature review and classification", Expert systems with applications, 36, 2592-2602.
Oliver, R. L. (1980). A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of marketing research, 460-469.
Otto, J. E., & Ritchie, J. B. (1996). The service experience in tourism. Tourism management, 17(3), 165-174.
Petrick, J. F., & Backman, S. J. (2002). An examination of the construct of perceived value for the prediction of golf travelers’ intentions to revisit. Journal of Travel Research, 41(1), 38-45.
Rumelhart, D. E., Hinton, G. E., & McClelland, J. L. (1986). "A general framework for parallel distributed processing". Parallel distributed processing: Explorations in the microstructure of cognition, 1, 45-76.
Ryu, K. and Han, H. (2010), “Influence of the quality of food, service, and physical environment on customer satisfaction in quick-casual restaurants: moderating role of perceived price”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 34 ( 3), 310-29.
Ward, A. (2014). "Segmenting the senior tourism market in Ireland based on travel motivations". Journal of Vacation Marketing, 20(3), 267-277.
Woo, E., Kim, H., & Uysal, M. (2016). "A measure of quality of life in elderly tourists". Applied Research in Quality of life, 11(1), 65-82.
World Tourism Organization (2000)," Major trends in travel and tourism demand", Tourism Marketing Strategy 2000- 2005, Tourisme Que´bec, Que´bec.
Wu, H. C., Li, T., & Li, M. Y. (2016). A study of behavioral intentions, patient satisfaction, perceived value, patient trust and experiential quality for medical tourists. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 17(2), 114-150.
You, X. and O’Leary, J.T. (1999). "Destination behaviour of older UK travellers". Tourism Recreation Research. 24 (1), 23–34.
Zimmer, Z., Brayley, R.E. and Searle, M. (1995) "Whether to go and where to go: identification of important influences on senior’s decisions to travel". Journal of Travel Research .33, 3–10.
نجار زاده، محمد، جعفری، نرگس و رجبی نگار (1396)،رابطهی ساختاری ارزش درک شده و رضایت گردشگر با رفتار مسئولانه زیست محیطی: نقش میانجی مشارکت گردشگری،فصلنامهمطالعاتمدیریتگردشگری،سالدوازدهم،شماره37، 115-151
Alén, E., Losada, N., & de Carlos, P. (2017). "Profiling the segments of senior tourists throughout motivation and travel characteristics". Current Issues in Tourism, 20(14), 1454-1469.
Alén, E., Nicolau, J. L., Losada, N., & Domínguez, T. (2014)." Determinant factors of senior tourists’ length of stay". Annals of Tourism Research, 49, 19-32.
Ali, F., Kim, W. G., & Ryu, K. (2016). The effect of physical environment on passenger delight and satisfaction: Moderating effect of national identity. Tourism Management, 57, 213-224.
Ali, F., Kim, W. G., Li, J., & Jeon, H. M. (2016). Make it delightful: Customers' experience, satisfaction and loyalty in Malaysian theme parks. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management.
Bakker, A.B.; Van der zee, K. I.; Levig, K. A. & Dollard, M. F. (2006),“The Relationship between the big five personality factors and burnout:a study among volunteer counsellors”, The Journal of Social Psychology,146(1), 31–50.
Başarangil, İ. (2016). The relationships between the factors affecting perceived service quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions among theme park visitors. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1467358416664566
Bloom, Jonathan Z. (2005). "Market Segmentation: A Neural Network Application." Annals of Tourism Research. 32(1), 93–111.
Chen, C. F. (2008). Investigating structural relationships between service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions for air passengers: Evidence from Taiwan. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42(4), 709-717.
Chen, C. F., & Chen, F. S. (2010). Experience quality, perceived value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions for heritage tourists. Tourism management, 31(1), 29-35.
Chen, S. C., & Shoemaker, S. (2014). "Age and cohort effects: The American senior tourism market". Annals of Tourism Research, 48, 58-75.
Clarke, V., & Braun, V. (2014). "Thematic analysis". Encyclopedia of critical psychology (pp. 1947-1952). Springer New York.
Cole, S. T., & Scott, D. (2004). Examining the mediating role of experience quality in a model of tourist experiences. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 16(1), 79-90.
Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) professional manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment.
Eusébio, C., Carneiro, M. J., Kastenholz, E., & Alvelos, H. (2017). "Social tourism programmes for the senior market: a benefit segmentation analysis". Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 15(1), 59-79.
Finn, A. (2005). Reassessing the foundations of customer delight. Journal of Service Research, 8(2), 103-116.
Guido, G., Capestro, M., & Peluso, A. M. (2007). Experimental analysis of consumer stimulation and motivational states in shopping experiences. International Journal of Market Research, 49(3), 365-386.
Hallak, R., Assaker, G., & El-Haddad, R. (2017). Re-examining the relationships among perceived quality, value, satisfaction, and destination loyalty: A higher-order structural model. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 1356766717690572.
He, W., Goodkind, D., & Kowal, P. R. (2016). An aging world: 2015. United States Census Bureau.
Jin, N. P., Lee, S., & Lee, H. (2015). The effect of experience quality on perceived value, satisfaction, image and behavioral intention of water park patrons: New versus repeat visitors. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(1), 82-95.
Johann, M., Johann, M., Padma, P., & Padma, P. (2016)." Benchmarking holiday experience: the case of senior tourists". Benchmarking: An International Journal, 23(7), 1860-1875.
Kao, Y. F., Huang, L. S., & Wu, C. H. (2008). Effects of theatrical elements on experiential quality and loyalty intentions for theme parks. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 13(2), 163-174.
Kim, M. J., Lee, C. K., & Bonn, M. (2016). "The effect of social capital and altruism on seniors' revisit intention to social network sites for tourism-related purposes". Tourism Management, 53, 96-107.
Kolb, B. (2017). Tourism Marketing for Cities and Towns: Using Social Media and Branding to Attract Tourists. Taylor & Francis.
Le Serre, D. & Chevalier, C.. (2012). "Marketing travel services to senior consumers". Journal of Consumer Marketing. 29 (4). 262 – 270.
Martin, L.G. and Preston, S.H. (1994) Demography of Aging. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Matzler, K., Bidmon, S., & Grabner-Kräuter, S. (2006). Individual determinants of brand affect: the role of the personality traits of extraversion and openness to experience. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 15(7), 427-434.
Ngai, E.W.T.; Xiu, Li; Chau, D.C.k. (2009). "Application of data mining techniques in customer relationship management: A literature review and classification", Expert systems with applications, 36, 2592-2602.
Oliver, R. L. (1980). A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of marketing research, 460-469.
Otto, J. E., & Ritchie, J. B. (1996). The service experience in tourism. Tourism management, 17(3), 165-174.
Petrick, J. F., & Backman, S. J. (2002). An examination of the construct of perceived value for the prediction of golf travelers’ intentions to revisit. Journal of Travel Research, 41(1), 38-45.
Rumelhart, D. E., Hinton, G. E., & McClelland, J. L. (1986). "A general framework for parallel distributed processing". Parallel distributed processing: Explorations in the microstructure of cognition, 1, 45-76.
Ryu, K. and Han, H. (2010), “Influence of the quality of food, service, and physical environment on customer satisfaction in quick-casual restaurants: moderating role of perceived price”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 34 ( 3), 310-29.
Ward, A. (2014). "Segmenting the senior tourism market in Ireland based on travel motivations". Journal of Vacation Marketing, 20(3), 267-277.
Woo, E., Kim, H., & Uysal, M. (2016). "A measure of quality of life in elderly tourists". Applied Research in Quality of life, 11(1), 65-82.
World Tourism Organization (2000)," Major trends in travel and tourism demand", Tourism Marketing Strategy 2000- 2005, Tourisme Que´bec, Que´bec.
Wu, H. C., Li, T., & Li, M. Y. (2016). A study of behavioral intentions, patient satisfaction, perceived value, patient trust and experiential quality for medical tourists. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 17(2), 114-150.
You, X. and O’Leary, J.T. (1999). "Destination behaviour of older UK travellers". Tourism Recreation Research. 24 (1), 23–34.
Zimmer, Z., Brayley, R.E. and Searle, M. (1995) "Whether to go and where to go: identification of important influences on senior’s decisions to travel". Journal of Travel Research .33, 3–10.