Khamehchi, H., Kheirandish, M., Hassanpoor, A., Vakili, Y. (2020). A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of Work-Life Balance. , 29(97), 133-160. doi: 10.22054/jmsd.2020.48096.3469
Hamed Khamehchi; Mehdi Kheirandish; Akbar Hassanpoor; Yusef Vakili. "A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of Work-Life Balance". , 29, 97, 2020, 133-160. doi: 10.22054/jmsd.2020.48096.3469
Khamehchi, H., Kheirandish, M., Hassanpoor, A., Vakili, Y. (2020). 'A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of Work-Life Balance', , 29(97), pp. 133-160. doi: 10.22054/jmsd.2020.48096.3469
Khamehchi, H., Kheirandish, M., Hassanpoor, A., Vakili, Y. A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of Work-Life Balance. , 2020; 29(97): 133-160. doi: 10.22054/jmsd.2020.48096.3469

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