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پ- گزارشهای پژوهشی
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Books [In Persian]
- The General Directorate of Cultural Affairs and Public Relations of the Islamic Council, The Detailed Report of the Deliberations of the Council for Revision of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Sessions 1 to 14), c 1 (Tehran: The General Department of Cultural Affairs and Public Relations and the Publicity and Publication Department of the Islamic Council, 1380).
- The General Department of Cultural Affairs and Public Relations of the Islamic Council, the detailed report of the deliberations of the Constitutional Review Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran (sessions 15 to 28), c 2 (Tehran: The General Department of Cultural Affairs and Public Relations and the Department of Publicity and Publications of the Islamic Council, 1380).
- The General Directorate of Cultural Affairs and Public Relations of the Islamic Council, the detailed report of the deliberations of the Constitutional Review Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran (sessions 29 to 41), c 3 (Tehran: The General Department of Cultural Affairs and Public Relations and the Publicity and Publications Department of the Islamic Council, 2019).
- The General Department of Cultural Affairs and Public Relations of the Islamic Council of Iran, the annotated report of the deliberations of the Parliament of the Final Review of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran (sessions 1 to 31), Volume 1 (Tehran, General Department of Cultural Affairs and Public Relations of the Islamic Council of Iran, 1364).
- The General Directorate of Cultural Affairs and Public Relations of the Islamic Council, Annotated report of the deliberations of the Parliament of the Final Review of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Sessions 32 to 50), Volume 2 (Tehran: General Department of Cultural Affairs and Public Relations of the Islamic Council, 1364).
- Omid Zanjani, Abbas Ali, Fundamental Laws of Iran (Tehran: Majd, 2007).
- Fathi, Mohammad, Kohi Esfahani, Kazem, The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran Along with Interpretative, Advisory Opinions and... Guardian Council (1359-1396), (Tehran: Research Institute of the Guardian Council, 1396).
- Guardian Council Research Center, Collection of Opinions of the Guardian Council on the approvals of the Islamic Council (First Period) (Tehran: Vice President for Drafting, Revising and Publishing Laws and Regulations of the Presidential Legal Vice, 2019).
- Guardian Council Research Center, Collection of Opinions of the Guardian Council on the approvals of the Islamic Council (Second Period) (Tehran: Vice President for Drafting, Revising and Publishing Laws and Regulations of the Presidential Legal Vice, 2019).
- Guardian Council Research Center, Collection of Opinions of the Guardian Council on the Approvals of the Islamic Council (6th Period) (Tehran: Vice President of Legal Affairs, 2013).
- Guardian Council Research Center, Collection of Opinions of the Guardian Council on the Approvals of the Islamic Council (Fifth Term) (Tehran: Dadgstar, 2015).
- Mousazadeh, Ebrahim, Essays in Public Law (Tehran: Khorsandi, 2013).
- Hashemi, Seyyed Mohammad, Fundamental Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran, V 2 (Tehran: Mizan, 1385).
Articles [In Persian]
- Conference of Speakers of the World Parliaments, https://www.ipu.org/event/fifth-world-conference-speakers-parliament-preceded-fourth-and-final-meeting-preparatory-committee (View Date: 01/10/1401).
- Jalali, Mohammad & Mohammad Mohajeri, “Comparative Analysis of the Powers of the Speaker of the Parliament in the Legal System of Iran, Britain and France”, Comparative Law Studies, Vol. 2, (2014), pp. 469-490.
- The Decree Appointing the Members of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution in 1375, The Information Base of the Office of Preservation and Publication of the Works of Grand Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, r. K: http:// farsi. khamenei. ir/ message-content? id= 4797 (View Date: 01/10/1401).
- The Decree Appointing the Members of the Expediency Council in 1368, The Information Base of the Office for the Preservation and Publication of the Works of Grand Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, r. K: http:// farsi. khamenei. ir/ message- content? id=341 (View Date: 01/10/1401).
- Laws without declaration of opinion by the Guardian Council, Comprehensive System of Opinions of the Guardian Council, See K: https://b2n.ir/a32250 (view date: 01/10/1401).
Research Reports in Persian
- Bahadri Jahormi, Mohammad, Darvishund, Abolfazl, Javaheri, Mohammad, Bahadri, Ali, Alam Elhadi, Sayyed Hojatullah, Raji, Sayed Mohammad Hadi, Research Report Investigating the Nature and Limits of Monitoring the Good Implementation of the General Policies of the System, Islamic Council Research Center, (1389), Machine Gun Number: 8982-1.
- Bahnia, Masih, Research Report on the Duties and Powers of the President of the Islamic Council in the Collection of Laws and Regulations of the Country, Research Center of the Islamic Council, (2015), Serial Number: 7756.
- Hosseini, Seyed Hossein, Parliamentary Diplomacy Research Report (12); Union of Parliaments of Organization of Islamic Cooperation Member States, Arab Parliament and NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Research Center of Islamic Council, (2015), Serial Number: 14889.
- Darvish Mutoli, Maitham, Research Report on the Position of the Islamic Council in the Legal System of the Islamic Republic of Iran with a Comparative View of the American and British Legal Systems, Guardian Council Research Center, (2012), Serial Number: 13920093.
- Fardipour, Saeed [A], Parliamentary Diplomacy Research Report (7); The 4th Conference of Speakers of the World Parliaments, Research Center of the Islamic Council, (2014), Serial Number: 14440.
- Fardipour, Saeed [b]. Research Report of Regional, Extra-regional and Global Inter-Parliamentary Organizations (1); Inter-Majlis Union, Conference of Speakers of World Parliaments, Research Center of the Islamic Council, (2014), Serial Number: 14366.