
Exploring the Role of 5E-Based Online Activities in English Language Students’ Critical Thinking and Creativity

صفحه 1-31
Melissa Vafaeikia؛ Susan Marandi؛ Masood Siyyari


The Effect of Conceptual Metaphor on Writing Creativity and Metacognitive Writing Awareness

صفحه 33-66
Ghasem Vadipoor؛ Rajab Esfandiari؛ Mohammad Bagher Shabani


Task Implementation and EFL Learners’ Attention to Form: Examining the Effects of Pre-Task Planning and Post-Task transcription

صفحه 67-96
Masoud Saeedi


Focusing on the Comprehension Challenge of Different Passive Structure Types by EFL Learners

صفحه 97-117
Mohammad Saber Khaghaninejad؛ Mohammad Hadi Eal


A Corpus Investigation of the Third-Person Singular Simple Present Tense Suffix in English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) Academic Writing

صفحه 119-143
Fahimeh Marefat؛ Tahereh Soleimani


The Relationship among Language Teacher Immunity, Reflective Teaching, and Work Motivation in EFL Context

صفحه 145-172
Seyed Mohammad Reza Amirian؛ Tahereh Heydarnejad؛ Saeed Abbasi-Sosfadi


The Influence of Task Complexity Manipulation on Iranian EFL Learners’ Learning of Transitional Devices

صفحه 173-204
Touraj Talaee؛ Hossein Ahmadi؛ Faramarz Azizmalayeri


The Effects of Web-based Dynamic Assessment on Grammatical Accuracy and Autonomy of Iranian EFL Learners and Their Attitudes to Web-based Dynamic Assessment

صفحه 205-236
َAbolfazl fathi؛ Mortaza Aslrasouli؛ Davud Kuhi


Request Speech Act Production Differences: A Case of Iranian EFLs and ESLs

صفحه 237-270
Reza Bagheri Nevisi؛ Rasoul Mohammad Hosseinpur؛ Elahe Yazdankhah


Lexical Sophistication in the Discussion Section of MA Theses Authored by Iranian EFL vs. English Students: A Coh-Metrix Report on Similarities and Differences

صفحه 271-294
Masoud Azadnia


Iranian In-Service EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Values Education: A Mixed Methods Study

صفحه 295-336
Abbas Ali Rezaee؛ Mojtaba Esfandyari


Examining the Dynamic Interface between Motivation and Affect in Foreign Language Development with the Moderating Role of Gender and Working Memory

صفحه 337-376
Shokouh Rashvand Semiyari؛ Majid Ghorbani
